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October TeamLift Member Highlight

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

At the end of every month our team comes together to highlight a member that embodies all of our core values

Determination - Honesty - Community - Respect

Meg and Andrew Brault are our October members we chose to highlight this month!

The way they both support each others fitness journey, making it a priority to make it into class or even open gym is noticed by our team. It's amazing the way they juggle the gym and getting their boys to and from all of their extra curricular's!

1. What is your favorite part about being at TEAMLIFT?

We love being a part of a caring gym community that supports our personal fitness goals. We've made wonderful friendships here. We also value modeling good health and fitness to our boys.

2. What helps you stay determined? Each other! After 20 years together, we know how important it is for us to stay active and healthy.

3. What does the gym mean to you?

The gym equals self care. Attending workout classes helps us clear our mind and let go of stress. Going together lets us share that time.

For Meg: it is a reclaiming of my body. Hard workouts allow me to safely push myself to be stronger both mentally and physically.

4. Favorite quote?

"I'm cultivating mass" - Mac (Always Sunny in Philadelphia)

"My own life is my brains movie. And it's gonna be a long movie" - Emmett Brault, age 4

Congratulations to the both of you, you have earned this!

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